Becoming Alba... Part 1 - Auditioning
When I first submitted for the role of "Alba" in the film La Soledad I thought "cool, I could play this, I mean they are looking for a Mom type, Latina, Spanish speaking, good emotional range, All good! Right up my alley.
I didn't give it much thought on what type of film it might be. What other types of characters they were looking for. What intentions were behind the posting in the casting notice. I had been submitting so much for the past few days that honestly I didn't even think I was going to be called. I've been in a downward slump for awhile.
So when the email for an audition timeslot came in I was excited and looked forward to it. I readily agreed and anticipated the arrival of the script. Then came the call that I had to fly to Ohio. I would be missing the audition. I professionally sent my apology email saying I would not attend and never looked at the script. I flew out during the week of Oct. 3rd. and never gave it another thought.
As luck or fate would have it, I received an email two nights before flying back home asking if I would be available for an audition. The role of "Alba" was still available. I said yes, I would love to audition. As it happens they scheduled my audition for 10AM the day right after my arrival. Did I mention that the closest flight I could get arrived at 12AM and flew into New Haven, CT which is 2 hours away from NYC where my audition was scheduled at!
I got home. Kissed my husband and son which I saw for about 15 minutes, printed out the script from my computer, readied my clothes, picture and resume for the morning and headed for a few hours sleep. Three hours later I was up, showered and ready for my two hour drive into the city for my audition. Ah! the life of an actress.
Oh... did I forget to mention I still haven't read the script!
I arrived at Shelter Studios in NYC with 15 minutes to spare. I was hoping for more time, but parking in NY on a Sunday...well you know. I quickly apply lipstick, check myself and head to the building. When I reach the elevators, I notice this very petite girl get on - she has the most amazing eyes! The kind that look into. They are big and round, haunted almost. I can't stop looking at her as we are taken up to the 12th floor. She reminds me of my dog Mia when we are getting ready to go out somewhere, she's excited and anxious at the same time. Mia raises her eyebrows and starts to smack her lips in anticipation..."where are we going mommy. Is it a fun place. Or am I going back to the scary shelter?" Even after 4 years she still has this look like she might be taken back. That was what this girl looked like... like she was going somewhere great, but maybe not so great-she didn't know.
At that moment I thought to myself...she must be auditioning for the role of Soledad and if the Directors and Producers of this film have any type of talent then they have to hire her cause she is it. I don't know why I thought that....I hadn't read the script yet! There was just something about this girl! I call it "magic", and I wanted some of it. From that moment I wanted a chance to read with her.
When we got up to the floor I headed to the required area. wrote my name down on the waiting list and got out my picture and resume. For the first time I looked at the script. The scene was Alba and Soledad (her daughter) washing dishes. The scene calls for a very emotional talk between us two (I won't go into it) - NO SPOILERS HERE!
I was scared! I hadn't prepared. I had no pre-life to this character. I didn't know what to give her for a motivation. How to approach the scene. Was she happy, mad, crazy! Do I act like: me, my mom, my neighbor, the lady in the grocery store, Julia Roberts, who?
When they called my name, I walked in and right before looked over to the girl who was now sitting beside me. She smiled. I knew at that moment I wanted to whisper the words into her ears. So when I walked into the room that is how I auditioned. I whispered the words.
They asked me to wait around for a few minutes. I did. I headed to the waiting room and there finally read the script. Oh my! Never have I fallen in love with words in such a short time as I did at that moment. I wanted to cry but, really, what would people say, "ok another crazy actor in our waiting room". Then out of nowhere there she was the girl!
She was asked to wait around too! We started talking. Her name is Dominique. I could feel her heart beating as she sat close to me. She emanated such strong energy I could barely absorb it as she thew it all my way. She was a bundle of sparks, filled with emotions just waiting to burst out. I knew that together we would create a moment that hopefully one if not both of us would get a part in this film.
So we talked and I found out she was not an actor. This was her first audition ever! I told her my thoughts - she was Soledad. I gave her some things to think about as she read the lines. I asked her some questions about her life. After about 10 minutes it was as if we knew each other for a lifetime.
We did the scene and after two tries they weren't lines anymore , they felt so natural. When the Producer came to get us we walked into the room and readied ourselves for the read. We didn't need the script. We could feel the energy around us. We stood so close to each other - I could feel Dominique's body tremble. I whispered into her ear...use it , just let go...
We started our scene... Magic!
To make a donation to our film just go to this link:
La Soledad
Check out the link to Rob Graydon's Site. Here you will find all the information to my next film project La Soledad. I will keep you all updated here also, but Rob's website will be the central location for release dates.
I am very honored to be working with such a talented group of people. The wealth of love and dedication that is being poured into this project will surely make for magical moments...it already has. ©GuapaFilms™
A glimpse into my world...
When you first enter it might appear ordinary, simple, normal. Similar to any other life being led with the ordinary happenings of everyday life. Morning breakfast, kids to school, do the chores, walk the dogs, dinnertime, sleep...then ready to do it all over again.... But wait! In between the chores of the day I thought I heard a tra la la - or was it the tapping of a soft shoe. From dropping off the kids at school was that Mom wearing a leotard (God, I hope she doesn't get out of the car!) where is she going? Class? Audition? Yes and Yes! This mom is a Singer/Actor/Performer and all that goes with the territory!
Katherine Dickson. That's my name and for as long as I can remember I have been singing and acting. Growing up in NYC gave me the opportunity to explore music and theater from an early age so I've always known that I would have these in my life one way or another. It truly is the one thing I love doing more than anything! (Aside from my kids that is)!
You see, the thing is, in my life I've gone off and done other things...I've been a NYC Aux Police Officer, I've worked in Insurance, in the Medical Field, in Business and Real Estate and although I've had success in all my endeavors I can't say they've made me truly happy. Then in ...2001, I suffered a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). It changed my life. It saved my life.
Most people don't realize how fragile life is or how short our time on earth truly is until you are faced with your own mortality. The most simple of tasks are no longer taken for granted; those morning breakfasts or taking your kids to school seem like monumental moments. Reaching your true potential is no longer a dream or a wish but your purpose and it must be fulfilled.
Recovery has been hard. Still is. Every day brings new challenges. Losing things you've always had, like; balance, eyesight, good memory are pretty tough to do without all of a sudden. But you keep going, living, climbing uphill. Becoming who I am meant to be is a journey that I embrace fully with...maybe to be totally honest, a lot of - fear. The statistics show that only 1 out of 11,000 will become "successful" in this "acting" industry. I wonder how they measured success? I choose to define my own success, not by fame; I may not get that. But my kind of success is measured in being truthful to myself and to others as I attempt to do good work.
So, now you know a little bit about me. At closer range you may determine that my world is not so complex. But for me it's a maze full of unique adventures that I navigate daily. No day is truly regular and I am as far from your 'typical' actor/singer as you can get.
However through this blog I hope to fill in the gaps to any questions you may have. We can talk about our stories, my story; your story. We can captivate audiences and raise awareness through its humanity; because of its reality. We can share the lessons learned and give courage. Help someone else not to give up; because we are here to show support and love. Life is difficult. But no goal is unreachable.
Have I piqued your interest? ©GuapaFilms™
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Check out the link to Rob Graydon's Site. Here you will find all the information to my next film project La Soledad. I will keep you al...
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