2009 is almost at an end. Ride off on the damn horse ye came in, I say! Why, because like most, I too have felt the pinch of this brittle time. I have seen and heard desperation creep into the most loving of people to turn them into cynical, cold, hard creatures cable of lashing out at one another.
The year started with an upward momentum only to turn and wreak havoc upon dreams by stilling the waters to creativity with no funds for the arts. Everywhere: schools, theaters, films; cuts were being made and actors were feeling the brunt of having to "work for free" for the love of the art. Well, that's all good and dandy but we still have to put food on the table and kids through college. Although some of us may be luckier than most, not all can afford to pursue acting "just for the passion" there has to be compensation. Let's face it, dance classes, acting refreshers, photos, hair/makeup - all the things we need to go out there and "do our jobs to get the jobs - cost money! So, 2009 yielded very little. The year with its hope and promise did not deliver! Or did it?Have we become so wanting of more that we cannot recognize the accomplishments of the reigning year.
As I reflect upon what I set out to do in 2009 I must put aside my negativity and acknowledge what I did achieve. Let me recount:
- Fall 2009 wrapped filming on short film titled 'La Soledad' Graydon/Mauro/Spence- Release dates unknown
- Spring 2009 filmed on film Salt - Philp Noyce/Columbia Pictures - Release Summer/Fall 2010
- Spring 2009 wrapped feature 'Bittersweets'-Ashley Miles/Nuance Productions - Release dates unknown
- Winter 2009 wrapped short film - 'La Curandera' - Talia Mazzarela/Faux Boheme Productions - Release dates unknown
- Filmed Commercial "Asado" for Verizon Wireless - Summer 2009 - Release dates Summer 2009
- Filmed Short 'Pass It On' for the O'donnel Company - Summer 2009: Go to http://www.youtube.com/user/k9drama to view my videos.
Looking back, I am grateful for every experience. Some came with pay, some without. Each one gave me great benefits. They hold their own sense of wonder, excitement, anticipation, frustration and disappointments.
I learned for myself that I am seeking too hard and demanding to much from an industry that is suffering right along with me. I must work on the virtue of patience. I must not lose sight of my perspective or my goal.
By all means, I do not concede an "all was swell" in 2009. I will still be happy to see it go. However, considering that my one resolution last January was to get an Agent (and that was accomplished last week), I'd say I hit all of my goals for the year and then some!
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